Kubecon is happening in Barcelona, Spain, VMWare purchases bitnami, Apptio buys Cloudability and a ton of Kubernetes announcements out of KubeCon this week on The Cloud Pod.
Foghorn Consulting – https://fogops.io/thecloudpod
- A Cosmonaut’s guide to the latest Azure Cosmos DB Announcements
- VMWare snaps up Bitnami to broaden its multi-cloud strategy
- Apptio buys Cloudability as cloud cost management market heats up
- Introducing Terraform Cloud Remote State Management
- Cloudwatch container insights for EKS and Kubernetes Preview
- Digital Ocean K8 service is now Generally Available
- Google Announces new enhancements to ease adoption of GKE
Lightning Round (Jonathan 5, Justin 8, Peter 1 and Guest 3):
- EKS has simplifed K8 cluster authentication with new CLI Sub command for generating the authentication token for connecting
- You can now use custom chat bots with Amazon Chime
- Performance insights now supports Amazon Aurora Global Database
- AWS Migration hub now provides right-sized Amazon EC2 instance recommendations
- Amazon Sagemaker Ground Truth now supports Automated Email Notifications for Manual Data Labeling
- AWS APAC Mumbai region adds third availability zone
- AWS APAC Seoul Regions adds third availability zone
- AWS IOT Device Defender now supports monitoring behavior of unregistered devices
- Amazon SNS adds support for cost allocation tags
- Amazon RDS for MySQL now supports password validation
- Amazon Guarduty has added two new threat detections
- Spring 2019 SOC reports are now available for AWS with over 104 services in scope
- AWS has announced Elemental MediaPackage Price Reductions in all regions