We talk about AWS EKS 1.13 release, Slack IPO, GCP Workload identity and more this week on the cloud pod.
Note: This episode was recorded after reinforce recap show due to vacation schedule of the hosts. We will cover the first few weeks of July for all cloud providers in Episode 31 and then back to normal schedule.
- Foghorn Consulting – fogops.io/thecloudpod
- App Engine second generation runtimes now get double memory, plus go 1.12 support and PHP 7.3
- Virtual machine scale set insights from Azure Monitor
- Amazon EKS now supports K8 1.13, ECR Private Link and Kubernetes Pod Security Policies
- The cloud goes ‘cloudless’
- AWS @ OSCON 2019
- Slack stock soars 50% in direct NYSE listing, Now valued at $20 billion + dolalrs
- Amazon RDS now supports Storage Autoscaling
- GCP Workload Identity: Better Authentication for your GKE Apps
Lightning Round (Jonathan 7, Justin 9, Peter 1 and Guest 3):
- Microsoft Positioned as a Leader in the Forester WaveTM: Database as a Service
- Amazon Quicksight now supports fine-grained access control over Amazon S3 and Athena
- Amazon API Gateway Adds Configurable Transport Layer security version for Custom Domains
- AWS Glue now provides workflows to orchestrate ETL workloads
- Amazon Aurora with PostgreSQL compatability supports data import from Amazon S3
- AWS Lambda Console shows recent invocations using cloudwatch insights
- AWS has announced new Lambda@edge monitoring withing the cloudfront console